This tool is designed to assist customers who wish to see what their estimated quarterly water charges could be for water rates for each of the six water systems operated by the Regional District of Central Okanagan.

Depending on your water system, the Estimator is preset to estimate the amount you could pay quarterly effective January 1, 2023.

User Tips

  1. In order to use this tool, you need to select your water service area (click on the system link below). The first 3 digits of your account number on your water/utility bill identifies which water area you are in:
    • 301 - Killiney Beach
    • 303 - Falcon Ridge
    • 305 - Sunset Ranch
    • 306 - Dietrich (Star Place, Trepanier)
    • 307 - Westshore Estates
    • 310 - Upper Fintry, Shalal Road, Valley of the Sun
  2. Next, in the Quarterly Water Consumption field, enter the amount of water consumed or that you estimate you've consumed. (you may wish to use both March and September consumptions to estimate your winter and summer charges)
Choose Your Water System Area:
Enter Your Quarterly Water Consumption (m3):

Estimated Quarterly Water Rates and Charges Calculator {{selected.location ? (' -- ' + + ' - ' + : ''}}
Fee Type
Jan. 2023
Jan. 2024
Jan. 2025
Jan. 2026
Jan. 2027
User - Basic
User - Consumption
Asset Renewal
Quarterly Total

Please Note: This rate estimator is not to be considered a replacement for actual meter readings and future billing. Other utility charges will also be included on your quarterly utility bill which is not reflected in this estimator tool.